39 Weeks and Counting…

So this is it.  The last week (or so they tell me).  My official due date is March 22, but I’m hopeful that RehnBabyGirl will arrive before then considering that my due date is 41w1d from the first day of my last period…and don’t get me started on why my due date was set so far back…because I have no idea and I am convinced that due date estimation is a lot of science with a dash of voodoo mixed in.

Anyway, I am finally in the 39th week of pregnancy (or 40th week if you count from the first day of my last period…but who’s counting, right?), and I have decided to share a list of a few things that I am doing before baby comes:

  1. Have a date night with my husband every night.

There are lots of ways to have a date night, but we tend to keep things pretty low key.  I’m talking food and TV/movies.  Because let’s be honest:  what else do you have energy for at this point in pregnancy when your biggest accomplishment of the day is avoiding the inevitable cankles that glamorously appear just from spending a few hours on your feet?

  • Dinner: I am still working full time (40 hours) and doing 12-hour shifts at the hospital, which is an hour from our house.  My amazing husband has taken it upon himself to make dinner for us when I get home from work so that we can eat together even though it’s usually not until 9-9:30pm.  And you know what?  We cherish every second of that limited time together.  And on the rare days that we both have off, we share the responsibilities of making dinner…or we head out for dinner at one of our favorite restaurants.
    • Pro Tip: For an extra special date night, we sometimes order a box from HelloFresh to keep our culinary skills from .  If you’ve never tried a meal delivery service before, I highly recommend this one.
  • TV/Movies: We love binging on our favorite Netflix or Hulu shows, but we also love renting new movies from RedBox or PlayStation.  And whenever we cuddle up on the couch to watch something, we always take that opportunity to snuggle with our dog, too, who loves being smooshed between us when we have family couch time.
  1. Read Baby Wise with my husband.
  2. Get a mani/pedi.
  3. Get waxed.
  4. Finish any outstanding laundry.
  5. Go grocery shopping for easy meals and snacks.
  6. Do a terminal cleaning of the house.
  7. Take a bath.